Christian Thought

Augustine: The Inheritor and Expositor of Christian Moral Tradition.

Augustine’s famous dictum regarding the moral life, “Love God and then do what you want to,” captures in large measure the essence of his...

Making the Case for God

Eric Metaxas in 2014 penned an essay published in The Wall Street Journal entitled, “Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God.”  It is a...

The plight of Western Christianity: The quest for meaning against post-modernism

The future of the church within Western culture hangs in a very precarious balance. Western civilization owes its very existence to Christianity, for without...

Why Should We Care about Theology? The Significance of Wesleyan Theology for the 21st Century

Given all the monumental problems of the modern world, why should anyone get energized by the idea of doing theology?  Theology and doctrine are...

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Lenten Devotional Day 11

Overcoming the Delusion 2nd Corinthians 5:14-15 "For Christ’s love compels us,...
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Acts 17: Beyond the Areopagus

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