
God’s Providence Over Jesus and God’s Providence Through Jesus

Think about all the ways that God's providence watched over Jesus and his birth to fulfill prophecy.  First, since one of the earliest of...

What Are We to Do When We’ve Met Jesus?

Sunday January 2, 2022 was the Ninth Day of Christmas and the Sunday before Epiphany, which is the day associated with the revelation of...

The Consecration of Jesus

Today is New years Day (2022), and it is the eighth day of Christmas.  Because the gospel of Luke tells us that Jesus was...

Resolution for Revolution and Renewal

How do we live and use our time?  That’s the question that many people ask themselves at the end of the year.  Here we...

He Was Born So You Could Be Reborn

John 3:16 is well known in the King James translation: “God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever...

The Incarnation and Evil

It is important for us to remember that the original events surrounding the birth, infancy, and early childhood of Jesus were not a sentimental...

Jesus Had a Family, to Bless All Families, and Create a Spiritual Family

We don't spend too much time contemplating the humanity of Jesus.  Perhaps this is because we are focused upon being thankful for the salvation...

What to do with the Incarnation?

The Second Day of Christmas for most of us middle class to upper middle class folks is a day of recuperation from the over...

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Lenten Devotional Day 29

Raised with Jesus to New Life by His Spirit  “…God...
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