B.S., Wesley College
M.Div., Wesley Biblical Seminary


Rev. Marshall Daigre

Pastoral Fellow

Rev. Marshall Daigre serves as founding pastor of Harvest Pointe Methodist Church in the Rocket City—Huntsville, Alabama. He teaches Religion adjunctly at Calhoun Community College, Alabama’s largest community college. An ordained Elder with the Association of Independent Methodists, he serves as Regional Coordinator for the Tennessee Valley Region. Marshall has been a Visiting Lecturer for Emmaus University of Haiti in Cercaville, Acul du Nord, Haiti, and South India Biblical Seminary in Bangarapet, India. He regularly speaks at summer camps, family camps, and retreats. He and his wife Jessica have four boys—Jackson, Baylor, Beau, Tye—and one perfect girl, Blakely, in that order. He is an amateur triathlete. When it comes to baseball, he pulls for the Atlanta Braves. In football, he loves the New Orleans Saints; holding a conviction that only saints will be in heaven.


Peace Be With You

They were quarantined in fear, living with an uncertain future. It was Sunday, and the doors were shut. Huddled in fear were the earliest...