Jerome Van Kuiken, Ph.D

Senior Fellow

B.A. Kentucky Mountain Bible College
M.Div., Wesley Biblical Seminary
Ph.D. University of Manchester, UK

D r. Van Kuiken is the Dean and Associate Professor of Christian Thought, School of Ministry and Christian Thought at Oklahoma Wesleyan University

“To the core of my being, I am a teacher. My ministry is to care about other persons enough to share with them the truth that can transform their lives. Sharing the truth takes various forms in my life: witnessing to a non-Christian; instructing students in class; preaching to a congregation; or simply listening to and praying with a hurting soul one-on-one or in a discipleship group. I want to model and pass on a faith that unites sound reasons for belief with heartfelt, practical godliness. Only such an integrated, holistic faith can avoid the twin dangers of both an idolatrous, “ivory tower” intellectualism and an unthinking pragmatism or emotionalism that falls prey to every cultural and religious fad.”

Jerome is also:

  • Ordained Minister, The Wesleyan Church
  • Member, Wesleyan Theological Society
  • Member, Evangelical Theological Society
  • Executive Board member, Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship